List of submitted theses (not up to date)
PhD Thesis
Author | Title | Topic | Period | Document |
Muhammad Gul | Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying into a pair of top quarks with the CMS 13 TeV dataset | CMS: Higgs | 2014 - 2018 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Alexis Fagot | Consolidation and extension of the CMS Resistive Plate Chamber system in view of the high-luminosity LHC upgrade | CMS | 2013 - 2020 | Link to the UGent library |
Sam De Ridder | Sensitivity of IceCube cosmic ray measurements to the hadronic interaction models | IceCube | 2013 - 2019 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Ward Van Driessche | Search for new physics in the IceCube detector | IceCube | 2013 - 2019 | Not yet available |
Sinem Salva | A micro-pattern gas detector based muon system for the CMS experiment at the high-luminosity LHC | CMS: RPC | 2013 - 2018 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Celine Moortgat | The SoLid antineutrino detector: construction and commissioning with cosmic ray muons | SoLid | 2013 - 2018 | Link to the UGent library |
Nadja Strobbe | The Razor Boost analysis: another step in the hunt for new physics at CMS | CMS: SUSY | 2011 - 2015 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Guillaume Garcia | Top quark mass measurement in the electron+jets decay channel using the Matrix Element Method | CMS: Top quark | 2011 - 2015 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Kelly Beernaert | Measurement of spin correlations in tt-bar systems in the muon+jets channel using a matrix element method with the CMS detector at the LHC | CMS: Top quark | 2011 - 2015 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Joseph McCartin | Particle physics: top quark mass measurement at CMS using a matrix element method | CMS: Top quark | 2010 - 2015 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Abd Al Karim Haj Ismail | Measurement of the cosmic ray energy spectrum between 500 TeV and 100 PeV with IceTop | IceCube: IceTop | 2010 - 2014 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Filip Thyssen | Commissioning, operation and performance of the CMS resistive plate chamber system | CMS: RPC | 2008 - 2014 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Tom Feusels | Measurement of cosmic ray composition and energy spectrum between 1PeV and 1EeV with IceTop and IceCube | IceCube: IceCube-IceTop | 2008 - 2013 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Lukas Vanelderen | Challenging the Standard Model with the Compact Muon Solenoid in W/Z + jets studies and SUSY searches with b -jets | CMS: SUSY | 2008 - 2012 | pdf-file Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Piet Verwilligen | Data-driven determination of Z(vv) background to new-physics searches with jets and missing transverse momentum at CMS | CMS: SUSY | 2008 - 2012 | pdf-file Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Alejandro López Ruiz | Measurement of transverse single-spin asymmetries in inclusive electroproduction at HERMES | HERMES | 2008 - 2012 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Yasser Abdou | Acoustic properties of the South Pole ice for astrophysical neutrino detection | IceCube: SPATS | 2008 - 2012 | Link to the UGent library 2 |
Benjamin Klein | Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in the electron and jets channel at s = 7 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC | CMS: Top quark | 2008 - 2012 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Sinéad Mary Walsh | Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in the muon + jets channel with the CMS detector at the LHC | CMS: Top quark | 2008 - 2012 | Link to the UGent library 2 |
Andrey Marinov | Feasibility study of a GEM based muon system for the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider | CMS: RPC | 2008 - 2012 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Freija Descamps | Feasibility of acoustic neutrino detection in ice with the South Pole Acoustic Test Setup | IceCube: SPATS | 2005 - 2009 | pdf-file Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Charlotte Van Hulse | The HERMES recoil photon detector and the study of deeply virtual Compton scattering | HERMES | 2004 - 2010 | pdf-file Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Peter Janssens | Double-polarized virtual Compton scattering as a probe of the proton structure | VCS | 2003 - 2007 | pdf-file Link to the UGent library 1 |
Yves Van Haarlem | The HERMES recoil photon detector and nuclear pt-broadening at HERMES | HERMES | 2002 - 2007 | Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Arne Vandenbroucke | Exclusive π0 production at HERMES: detection - simulation - analysis | HERMES | 2002 - 2007 | pdf-file Link to the UGent library 1 |
Ulrike Elschenbroich | Transverse Spin Structure of the Proton Studied in Semi-Inclusive DIS | HERMES | 2002 - 2006 | pdf-file Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Bino Maiheu | Hadronization in electron -proton scattering at HERMES | HERMES | 2001 - 2006 | pdf-file Link to the UGent library 1 |
Tigran Rostomyan | Experimental verification of the GDH sum rule on the neutron | GDH (Bonn, Mainz) | 2001 - 2005 | pdf-file |
Brecht Hommez | A Study of Fragmentation Processes in the HERMES experiment using a Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detector | HERMES | 1998 - 2003 | ps.gz-file Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Natalie Degrande | Experimental study of the Virtual Compton Scattering process at Q2 = 1 (GeV/c)2 | VCS @ MAMI - TJNAF | 1996 - 2001 | ps.gz-file Link to the UGent library 1 |
Heidi Holvoet | Study of the helicity dependence of double pion photoproduction on the proton | GDH @ MAMI | 1996 - 2001 | pdf-file Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Michael Tytgat | Diffractive production of ρ0 and omega vector mesons at HERMES | HERMES | 1995 - 2001 | ps.gz-file Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Bob Lannoy | Experimental verification of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule | GDH @ MAMI | 1995 - 2000 | ps.gz-file Link to the UGent library 1 Link to the UGent library 2 |
Master Thesis
Author | Title | Topic | Period | Document |
Steven Mortier | Exploring top-quark and Z boson coupling in top pair production in association with a Z boson | CMS | 2020 | Link to the UGent Library |
Margot Van Cauwenberghe | CMS | 2020 | Not yet available | |
Ian Bauwens | Deep Learning Benadering voor Directionele Reconstructie van Hoog-Energetische Kosmische Stralen met de IceTop Detector | IceCube: IceTop | 2020 | Link to the UGent Library |
Bernd Herremans | IceCube | 2020 | Not yet available | |
Jana Roels | Search for heavy neutral leptons in events with at least 1 tau in the final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the CMS experiment | CMS: HNL | 2019 | Link to the UGent Library |
Joshua Clercx | Analyse van topquarkpaarproductie in associatie met een Z-boson in het dileptonkanaal bij een zwaartepuntsenergie van 13 TeV bij CMS | CMS: Top quark | 2019 | Link to the UGent Library |
Simon De Kock | Korte afstand neutrino-oscillaties met het SoLiD-experiment | SoLiD | 2019 | Link to the UGent Library |
Bob Oeyen | De invloed van hadronische interactiemodellen op IceTop waveforms nabij het centrum van een extensive air shower | IceCube | 2019 | Link to the UGent Library |
Luka Lambrecht | Lepton identification with machine learning algorithms in proton-proton collisions at the intensity frontier | CMS | 2019 | ps.gz-file |
Liam Wezenbeek | A study of the production mass as a discriminating variable in a supersymmetry search at the LHC | CMS: SUSY | 2018 | Link to the UGent Library |
Stef Verpoest | Search for particles with fractional charges in IceCube based on anomalous energy loss | IceCube | 2018 | Link to the UGent Library |
Gianny Mestdach | Effective Field Theory operators in top physics | CMS: Top Quark | 2018 | Link to the UGent Library |
Thomas Follet | Optimisation of the search for Heavy Neutral Leptons in the 2l2q final state at CMS | CMS: HNL | 2018 | Link to the UGent Library |
Simon De Kockere | Een Geavanceerde Statistische Aanpak in de Zoektocht naar Astrofysische Tau Neutrino's met IceCube | IceCube | 2018 | Link to the UGent Library |
Hans Maes | Environmental and cosmogenic backgroundstudy for the SoLid experiment | SoLid | 2017 | Link to the UGent Library |
Giel Vandierendonck | Development of a neutrontrigger on 6LiF:ZnS(Ag) scintillator signals for the SoLid collaboration | SoLid | 2017 | Link to the UGent Library |
Jorne Somville | Towards an improved snow correction for cosmic rays observed by IceTop | IceCube: IceTop | 2017 | Link to the UGent Library |
Rafaël Hautekiet | Tijdsynchronizatie over een QAM16 communinatie protocol voor de IceCube gen2 Digital Optical Module | IceCube-Gen2 | 2017 | Link to the UGent Library |
Jake Vandevyvere | Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons in same-sign dilepton final states with the CMS detector | CMS: HNL | 2017 | Link to the UGent Library |
Laurens Lootens | Data driven MT2ll tail verification for scalar top quark search in the dilepton final state at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV | CMS: Top Quark | 2017 | Link to the UGent Library |
Basile Vermassen | Trigger Development with dijet veto at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV for the CMS experiment | CMS: HNL | 2017 | Link to the UGent Library |
Aaron Algoedt | Quality control of Gas Electron Multiplier detectors for the CMS experiment at the LHC | CMS: GEM | 2016 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Nicolas Bulté | Search for Scalar Top Quark Partners and Parton Shower Tuning in Modelling Top Quark Pairs | CMS: Top Quark | 2016 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Wouter Van De Pontseele | Characterisation and modelling of correlated noise in silicon photomultipliers for the SoLid experiment | SoLid | 2016 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Alexandro Fulco | Scalar Dark Matter: gamma-ray line-like signatures | 2016 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Willem Verbeke | Data driven WZ background estimation for SUSY searches with multiple leptons at the energy frontier, LHC | CMS: SUSY | 2016 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Frederic Van Assche | Ontwikkeling van een Resistive Plate Chamber detector simulatie framework | CMS: RPC | 2016 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Jeroen Van Houtte | Air shower measurements with IceTop: the effect of (un)thinning simulation techniques | IceCube: IceTop | 2016 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Frederik Van Acker | Eco-friendly gas mixtures for the operation of Resistive Plate Chambers in the CMS experiment at CERN | CMS: RPC | 2015 | Link to the UGent Library |
Mathieu De Smet | Simulation for the highly segmented SoLid-detector for neutrinos from nuclear reactors | SoLid | 2015 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Jarne De Clercq | Characterization of a glass resistive plate chamber for a future upgrade of the CERN CMS experiment | CMS: RPC | 2015 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Ianthe Michiels | Investigation of the muon background for the NEMENIX prototype of the SoLid experiment | SoLid | 2015 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Jeroen Duvillier | Search for astrophysical tau neutrinos with a Lollipop signature in IceCube in the PeV energy range | IceCube: Tau neutrinos | 2015 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Ken Erpels | Influence of snow on cosmic rays observed by IceTop | IceCube: IceTop | 2015 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Lander Bodyn | Feasibility study towards measurement of top quark pair production in association with a W or Z boson using proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV | CMS: Top Quark | 2015 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Jan Eysermans | Optimization of the time response of Gas Electron Multiplier detectors | CMS: GEM | 2014 | pdf-file pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Ward Van Driessche | Search for new physics with long-lived particles decaying into photons using LHC proton-proton collisions | CMS: SUSY | 2014 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Dieter Loterman | Development of a Glass Resistive Plate Chamber for the Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider | CMS: RPC | 2014 | Link to the UGent Library |
Celine Moortgat | Investigation of muon background in the prototype antineutrino detector for the SoLid experiment | SoLid | 2014 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Sander Vanheule | Design of a glass resistive plate chamber for the upgrade of the Compact Muon Solenoid muon system | CMS: RPC | 2013 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Simon De Rijck | Lowering the IceCube Detection Threshold by Wavelength-shifting Optical Modules | IceCube-Gen2: PINGU | 2013 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Isabelle De Bruyn | The Impact of Background Processes on the Top Quark Mass Measurement Using the Matrix Element Method at CMS | CMS: Top Quark | 2013 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Matthias Vraeghe | Muon Counting with the IceTop Detector as a Probe of Cosmic Ray Composition | IceCube: IceTop | 2012 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Sam De Ridder | Influence of South Pole atmosphere on cosmic rays observed by IceCube | IceCube: IceTop | 2012 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Olivier Giot | Een studie van hoogenergetische muonenbundels in het diep Antarctisch ijs met de IceCube detector | IceCube: IceCube-IceTop | 2012 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Sven Dildick | Application of kinematic fitting to top quark mass reconstruction in the mu+ jets channel at 7 TeV with the CMS detector | CMS: Top quark | 2012 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Elke Van Den Broucke | Chemische samenstelling van kosmische straling bestudeerd via het energieverlies in Antarctisch ijs | IceCube: IceCube-IceTop | 2011 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Michiel Van Ginderachter | Implementatie van een gassysteem voor de kwaliteitscontrole van Resistive Plate Chamber detectoren voor het CMS experiment | CMS: RPC | 2011 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Tom Cornelis | Design of a cosmic test bench for the quality control of Resistive Plate Chamber detectors for the CMS experiment | CMS: RPC | 2011 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Pieter David | Bepaling van de verhouding van de b-quark fragmentatiefracties fs/fd voor 7 TeV proton-protonbotsingen en een meting van de relatieve vervalbreedte van het verval B0→D- | LHCb | 2011 | Link to the UGent Library |
Nadja Strobbe | Event Selection optimization for (b-)jets plus lepton supersymmetry searches with the CMS detector | CMS: SUSY | 2011 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Kelly Beernaert | Systematic uncertainties for photons in all-hadronic supersymmetry searches with the CMS detector | CMS: SUSY | 2011 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Sebastian Wouters | Commissioning the CMS-detector at CERN: monitoring the RPC performance | CMS: RPC | 2010 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Wolfger Peelaers | Measurement of the cross section of tt-bar production in the semi-leptonic muon channel at the LHC using the CMS detector | CMS: Top quark | 2009 | pdf-file |
Bart Royeaerd | Bouw testlab voor de constructie van RPC detectoren voor CMS | CMS: RPC | 2009 | pdf-file |
Karsten Naert | Optimalisatie van onderdrukking van topquark-achtergrond in de CMS Supersymmetrie analyse | CMS: SUSY | 2009 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Sylvester Joosten | Verbeterde ijking van de HERMES hodoscopen op basis van "Minimum Ionizing Particles" | HERMES | 2007 | pdf-file |
Lukas Vanelderen | Studie van de IceTop reconstructie software | IceCube: IceTop | 2007 | pdf-file |
Filip Thyssen | Akoestische detectie van leptonen in water en ijs | IceCube: SPATS | 2007 | pdf-file |
Tom Feusels | Coincidentiemetingen van kosmische straling tussen de IceTop en de InIce detectoren op Antarctica | IceCube: IceCube-IceTop | 2007 | pdf-file |
Piet Verwilligen | Onderzoek naar en ontwikkeling van een nieuwe generatie glaciofonen voor de akoestische detectie van ultra-hoogenergetische neutrino's | IceCube: SPATS | 2007 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Arno Keppens | Monte Carlo simulatie van Extensive Air Showers voor de IceTop detector op Antarctica | IceCube: IceTop | 2006 | pdf-file |
Nathan Vercruyssen | Read-out systeem voor een kosmische stralingsdetector | Local Cosmic Ray | 2006 | pdf-file Link to the UGent Library |
Charlotte Van Hulse | Transversale spin asymmetrie in een diep-virtuele Comptonverstrooing | HERMES | 2004 | ps.gz-file |
Michiel Demey | Monte Carlo-simulaties voor detectie van hoogenergetische kosmische straling te Gent | Local Cosmic Ray | 2002 | pdf-file |
Bino Maiheu | Coherentie-effecten in diffractieve, exclusieve ρ0 elektroproductie in HERMES | HERMES | 2001 | ps.gz-file |
Arne Vandenbroucke | Exclusieve elektroproduktie van pseudoscalaire en vectormesonen in HERMES | HERMES | 2001 | ps.gz-file |